1985, Commodore, Microsoft Basic for the Amiga
1992, Compaq, Microsoft Windows 3.1 User's Guide
1993, Hamit, Virtual Reality and the Exploration of Cyberspace
1994, IBM PC DOS and MS Windows User's Guide
1994, IBM User's Guide to OS/2
1994, Introduction to Novell Netware 4 Directory Services
1995, IBM Client/Server Guide (OS/2, Lotus, CICS, ...)
1996, IBM Getting Started and Managing the Library1998, Fast Track MCSE (six books on NT4 MCSE)
2000, Cisco, Huston, Internet Performance Survival Guide (QoS)
2000, Siyan, Windows 2000 TCP/IP
2000, Goralski-Kolon, IP Telephony (voip)
2000, Cisco, Benny Bing, Wireless Local Area Networks
2001, Houde-Hoffman, TCP/IP for Windows 2000
2001, Telindus Telecommunications Glossary
2001, Cisco Systems, L3-Enabled ATM Solutions
2002, iRobot Roomba Quick Start Guide
2002, iRobot Roomba Owner's Manual
2003, Solaris 9 for Dummies2005, Otey, MS SQL Server 2005 New Features
2004, Suse Linux Fundamentals (Novell Training)
2004, Suse Linux Administration (Novell Training)
2004, Suse Linux Administration part 2 (Novell Training)
2004, Suse Linux Advanced Administration (Novell Training)
1981, Kane, Leventhal, Hawkins, 68000 Machinetaal programmeren
1983, King/Knight, De M68000 processor
1984, Chriet Titulaer, Dit zou je moeten weten over computers
1985, Buyst, Structuur en Organisatie van Computersystemen boek 3: binaire gegevens
1986, Commodore, Kennismaking met de Amiga 500
1987, Dittrich ea, Amiga Intern
1987, Palmans, Vensters op informatica
1990, Findlay/Watt, PASCAL inleiding tot gestructureerd programmeren
1990, De Vlaeminck, Verbaeten, Beredeneerd ontwerpen van programma's in PASCAL
1990, Verkoulen, cursus COBOL 85
1992, Buyst, Lagere programmeertaal en machinetaal
1992, Buyst, Computer Apparatuur
1992, Buyst, Structuur en Organisatie van Computersystemen boek 5: datacommunicatie en computernetwerken
1993, van der Lans, het SQL leerboek
1995, PC Undergound (o.a. x86 assembler)
1997, De Essenties van MCSE Networking Studie Gids
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